You choose the right outfit, pick the right shoes, and perfect your ensemble with the right accessories. But how about accoutering your attire with the right fragrance?
Gone are the days when one perfume bottle would suffice for every event and occasion. Now, you must have to buckle your shelf with an array of gorgeously designed perfume bottles, each gracing your ensemble uniquely.
With a collection of fragrances befitting casual day-to-day wear and others apt for formal occasions, this is the lowdown of the perfect perfume and occasion match. After all, is there any better way to stand out than a bold and exotic fragrance?
When it comes to nine-to-five slogs, you don’t want your scent to turn too many heads or, worse, get to frown eyes. Any sensible employer would disapprove of a musty-smelling staff member or an over-perfumed colleague whose scent enters the office much before them.
So how should your nine-to-five spirit smell like? Something light that adds freshness in the airspace around you, without causing headaches to your neighbouring colleagues. In short, go for a subtle scent with an aromatic undertone.
Zesty citrus fragrances are perfect for completing your formal attire. However, they do diminish faster than other perfumes, so carry a bottle with you for a quick top-up before the meeting.
Weddings are the perfect excuse to don the fanciest attire and strap your swankiest shoes. But it is the opportunity to wear that special scent. After all, you should smell as stunning as you look.
To leave a lasting whiff, pick an Eau de parfum bottle for such celebrations. If you don’t own an Eau de parfum, opt for parfums and Eau Fraiche that linger till the last song of the celebration.
Whether it is an office event or your first date, wear perfume that boosts your confidence and leaves a lingering impression.
Opt for the distinct smells that aren’t typically worn by the majority of the people. In fact, a unique perfume can help trigger conversations. However, be mindful of not going overboard with the number of sprays.
It isn’t only about looking business-like, smelling business-like is essential when sitting with a potential employer.
A clean and subtle smell should be your ideal pick for an interview. Eau Fraiche containing only 1-3 per cent of essential oils, has the lightest fragrance composition, which leaves a lasting impression.
The way you smell is as crucial as the way you look. Whether it is your first job interview or a friend’s wedding, perfumes are the invisible accessory of your attire. So, next time, scour your shelf, pick the intoxicating perfume that defines your personality and add charisma to it.
At Scent Haven you can avail from a wide array of fragrances. From bold and exotic to floral and heavenly, pick the perfect scent to compliment at the right occasion.